What People ACTUALLY Say About White Lake Michigan - A Couple days ago I posted a question in A White Lake Michigan facebook group with around 20,000 current and past residents about what the worst and best parts are about living in white lake, stay tuned to figure out what people said....
Before I take a deep dive into these comments, I want you to understand that it’s extremely opinionated and biased, so at the end of the day take this input with a grain of salt, but keep it on the backburner of your mind as you continue to explore this city and several like this. If you find yourself enjoying White Lake, I'll link a video or two in the description to expand your horizons on this fine city.
For those of you that are new here, my name is Andrew McManamon with living in Michigan, a Michigan realtor helping people like you buy, sell and invest in the amazing state of Michigan, so if there’s ever anything you need find my contact information in the description and reach out anytime, I’d be happy to be your go-to resource.
As I mentioned I’m going to be reading REAL comments from REAL people who live and have lived in the white lake Michigan area. After creating a video similar about the Farmington-Farmington hills area, based on requests I decided to keep it going, So without further ado, let’s jump right into the comments.
Starting off with the most common comment on this post, the cop situation. This person stated that the worst part about white lake is the cops, whereas others would comment below that and talk about how respectful they are and how they are never bothered. I’ll tell you a little story about my White Lake cop situation. So in my entire lifetime, I have never been pulled over by a cop until I moved to White Lake a couple years ago. I was taking Cooley Lake road which is right near my house and there is a series of roundabouts that will take you to Carol Lake Road, Bogie Lake road, etc. Well, with that in mind, the MPH signs fluctuate quite a bit, so a road might be 40-45 miles per hour but several feet before entering a roundabout it might drop down to 35 with the expectation you go about 15 mph through it. Well, since I’m from Brighton where we have one of the largest and most dangerous roundabouts in southeast Michigan, I usually come up with a decent amount of speed and I ended up getting pulled over for going about 5 mph over and the cop ended up letting me off the hook because he was so surprised to see a clean record. Anyway, the moral of that story is they aren’t as lenient as most metro Detroit cops, which in a sense is a good thing, enforcing the law and what not, whereas others fly 80-85 miles per hour by a cop on the expressway and it’s normal behavior, so that’s the big complaint here that really shouldn’t be. This post separated the racers from the law obey-ers haha.
The next commenter, Andrea M, chats about the best part being all the natural areas (which is very frequently said), but the worst part is all the BS development that the city doesn’t need because they could just utilize the empty buildings and open space we already have. Stop cutting down the trees. This is such a big complaint across not just Michigan but the country in general, there are so many “For lease” signs on buildings across the nation, but then they just bulldoze a park or a nature spot where people walkabout and turn it into a strip mall and parking lot. Will never make sense to me.
Jody E. talks about the worst part being the few good restaurants and lack of sidewalks. This is something I talked about very in depth in my White Lake tour video, which I will be sure to link in the description below. As I state in that video, White lake doesn’t have a downtown, it’s located along the M59 corridor that has speeds of 55+ miles per hour, no sidewalks, but lined with any possible business imaginable. The city does lack some restaurant variety, but it has great proximity to Highland, commerce and Waterford which more than satisfy any cuisine fix. The best part to them is the people and the lakes, which is another pro that was mentioned countless times.
Next on this comment train we have Carolyn M, who talks about how it just feels like home, and I can relate to that so well. I don’t have the words to explain, so just trust me on that. The downside to them is the long drive to work, and I also mentioned this in the other video I believe about the lack of job opportunity. The city is full of mom and pop shops, and your typical franchises that would be looked at as a part time working gig, so commuting to work is almost a given when White Lake is in consideration for a place to live, but that isn’t the end of the world because as I have mentioned the average commute time for Michiganders is about 25-30 minutes which would most definitely be enough time to travel a city or two.
Devon T. chats about the small town feel the city creates, even though it doesn’t have a downtown area, which is something I have come to realize more and more even after the conclusion that being a lake town just builds community, people know each other on a first name basis walking into restaurants. It’s a sight to see. The worst part in their opinion is when the roads are shut down and you have to do all these time consuming detours around the lakes. Yes. It's definitely frustrating, the road infrastructure in white Lake and surrounding cities is not set up for large amounts of traffic so any road improvement can cause quite a bit of extra time in your car. Cassie replied to Devon’s comment agreeing to all of it, because most people just say the lakes are the best, and nothing else, when in reality, there’s always a con to the pros.
Brent L. ended up writing a novel on this post and I wanted to make sure I shared it because a perspective from someone who has lived in the city from the early 2000’s puts into perspective how much the city has changed, whether it be for better or worse. He goes on to talk about the freedom of riding dirt bikes everywhere, before the land was developed on, and the common issues of Radon, which is something that holds true today, I always recommend my white lake clients to get there homes tested for radon every couple years even if it is a send in test kit form Home Depot or Lowes to make sure the radon levels are safe. I tested my home a couple months ago and the numbers came back all good! He continues to talk about the close proximity to expressways, the lakes, and his willingness to even move back but the real estate prices have skyrocketed quite a bit in the area, and he’d also appreciate the public service buildings being a little more updated. I can agree with that, I passed townhall and was like, “is this real?”, but nonetheless it’s not hurting anything. The next recent out of state commenter touches on the great parks being the parks, but the downside being the water and septic's. White Lake water can be hard for sure, most people have water softeners and an iron filter, or reverse osmosis to help, but Tim replied to them and said their water is just fine and they don’t even soften it which is surprising but they do have that iron filter in place.
Next, we have Jennifer B. She talks about the small community, all the lakes, and the outdoor space along with a good amount of great restaurant options. The downside to white lake is there being no sidewalks, roads are getting bad and detours are happening similar to the other commentor so it makes things a little inconvenient, which I can definitely understand.
Coming down to the last few comments, Andrea and Markas talk about the safety of the city, along with some not so pleasant people, the public services being good, how horrible the drivers are and how the nature scene is declining a little bit. And Last but not least, we have Stefanie M. She talks about moving from Farmington Hills to white Lake and has found it to be a better sense of community, the homes aren’t as built up in their opinion, but they definitely have begun to be in the last 8 years. Her and her husband love it in White lake despite the land getting continuously built on and the roads getting busier. Despite the traffic increases and the nature decreases, it does shed a little light on the future outlook and economy of the city of White lake, so there’s that perspective as well.
I know I just rattled off a ton of comments your way, but for those of you that made it this far, what are your thoughts on White Lake based on comments and for those of you that live or have lived there? Drop your thoughts in the comments below. If you like this video structure, comment on what other cities you want me to touch on in the comments below.
If you have any Michigan real estate needs, don’t hesitate to reach out anytime, I’m happy to be your go-to resource.

Andrew McManamon is a Michigan REALTOR® with Signature Sotheby’s International Realty and provides real estate services to Buyers, Sellers and Investors throughout SE Michigan including Livingston County, Oakland County, Washtenaw County, Genesee County & beyond. Andrew has become one of the rising stars of Michigan real estate agents. Prior to his real estate career Andrew was responsible for managing a senior living facility in Brighton, Michigan as a dining supervisor and an activities assistant. Andrew’s passion to help people is unlike any other, and he continues to strive to be best resource he can be. Andrew graduated from Cleary University in Howell, Michigan with a double major and currently resides in White Lake, Michigan.